Abbie Long

Abbie Long

- Basic Information -

Time in Larsen Lab: 2019
Worked on a variety of projects including developing the Larsen Lab Data Webpage, characterizing our ROD (Rainlet on Demand) system, working on the 2DVD deglitch code, and characterizing the Z-R relationships for both the Stono River Preserve Site and the Texas Tech Field Campaign Site.

- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -

- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -


- Professional Conference Presentations -


- Student Research Presentations -

C. Blouin, A. Long, and M.L. Larsen. An improved processing algorithm for a high resolution rain measurement device. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.

A. Long, P. Hamilton, C. Blouin, H. Powell, G. Connors, M. Brandon, and M.L. Larsen. Development of calibration methods for single drop rain sensors. Celebration of Summer Scholars. College of Charleston. August 19, 2019.

- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -


- Post-Graduation Activities and Current Status -

Abbie joined us for the summer of 2019. She currently is the only student to have worked in my lab while an active undergraduate at Clemson; she worked with us through the summer while staying at home in Charleston. During the Spring of 2021 I (virtually) attended a talk she gave based on work she was doing with Jens Oberheide at Clemson University on the MJO and TMPA tides. Now, she's preparing for her last year at Clemson and working on constructing her senior thesis.
updated: 8 August 2021