David Hayes

David Hayes and Wife David Hayes and Family David Hayes

- Basic Information -

Time in Larsen Lab: 2009-2010
Basic Project Description: Studied radiative trasnfer in correlated random media. Constructed an ad-hoc cluster out of surplus hardware for RT calculations.

- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -

- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -


- Professional Conference Presentations -

M.L. Larsen, A. Clark, A. Steele, and D. Hayes (2010). Development of a ballistic photon transport model that explicitly resolves cloud microstructure. 13th AMS Conference on Cloud Physics and 11th AMS Conference on Atmospheric Radiation. Portland, Oregon. June 28-July 3, 2010.

- Student Research Presentations -

D. Hayes, A. Clark, and M.L. Larsen (2010). Simulation of radiative transfer through clustered computing. 12th Annual Student Research Day. University of Nebraska at Kearney. April 8, 2010.

- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -

2009-2010 UNK Undergraduate Research Fellow

- Post-Graduation Activities and Current Status -

David graduated from UNK with B.Sc. degrees in Mathematics and Physics. He then co-founded Black Brick Software. He continues to run the company and seems to wear various hats there including software development, data management, and other assorted tasks. He now lives with his wife, Andrea, and their two kids (Eva and Norah) in Los Angeles.
updated: 8 August 2021