Joshua Moravec

- Basic Information -

Time in Larsen Lab: 2010
Basic Project Description: I didn't get as much time to work with Joshua as I would have liked, as he started working in the lab shortly before I left UNK. In our brief time together, we started looking at spatial properties of gamma ray bursts -- work that I believe he ended up continuing with my colleage Dr. Aaron Clark.

- Dissemination Based on work in Larsen Lab -

- Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers -


- Professional Conference Presentations -


- Student Research Presentations -


- Awards won while working in Larsen Lab -

2009-2010 UNK Undergraduate Research Fellow

2010 UNK Summer Student Research Program Participant (SSRP)

- Post-Graduation Activities and Current Status -

Worked for a while at D3Banking where he lead the test automation effort as Senior QA. Since about 2018 Josh has been working as a Software Engineer for a company called Carbon Black, a company that makes enterprise security software -- mostly focusing on the backend systems and improving test infrastructure and tooling. Though the company is located out of Boston, Josh works from Omaha; the company was bought out a year ago by VMware, and it sounds like those changes are still shaking out. One of the changes has him moving to a different part of the company where he'll be testing a product called Wavefront -- a real time metrics and monitoring program.

Josh and his wife Yukari had a girl in July 2020 named Chloe Hazuki Moravec.
updated: 8 August 2021